Herbert & Anna Langdon

Herbert & Anna Langdon family
Herbert & Anna Langdon family

Back left to right: Myrtle, Archie, Blache, Mary, Belle (Carrie) Front: Kenneth, Anna (pregnant with Herb Jr.), Louie, Jenner, Herbert (Sr.)

Herbert & Anna Langdon
Herbert & Anna Langdon

NOTE: We can’t see how pregnant Anna is, but Herbert (Jr.) was born 18 Feb 1911 and Herbert (Sr.) died 3 May 1912.

Small Photo of Herbert and Anna is a darkroom alteration of the larger family photo. Herbert was altered just enough to make him seem healthier. He died about a year after this photo was taken.

Side-by-Side Comparison of Herbert & Anna

Herbert & Anna’s Children

Herbert Anna Family Tree


  1. Archie Rufus Langdon (born 6 Apr 1891 – died 5 July 1976)
  2. Belle Carrie Langdon (born 19 Apr 1893 – died 18 May 1989)
  3. Myrtle Esther Langdon (born 30 Jan 1896 – died 20 Jun 1987)
  4. Boy – Name Unknown (born 12 Jan 1898 – died 1898)
  5. Mary Catherine Langdon (born 22 Dec 1899 – died 19 Mar 1923)
  6. Blanche Susan Langdon (born 14 Apr 1901 – died 10 Apr 1987)
  7. Kenneth Steven Langdon (born 30 Mar 1903 – died 22 Sept 1974)
  8. Jenner C. “Jack” Langdon (born 23 May 1906 – died 25 May 1996)
  9. Louis D. Langdon (born 23 Oct 1908 – died 28 Feb 1976)
  10. Herbert A Langdon Jr. (born 18 Feb 1911 – died 18 Sept 1997)

Herbert Obit & Death Certificate

Herbert’s Clear Lake Obit 1912

Herbert’s Watertown Obit 1912

His name should be Herbert Arthur, not Herbert Oscar.

16 March 1911 “Clear Lake Courier” 

  • Herb Langdon is still at Rochester and the doctors seem to be puzzled regarding his case.  They inform him however that he has not got Bright’s disease and as the treatment there is helping him he may ultimately be cured.

Herbert Arthur Langdon Death Certificate. Cause of death? Bright’s Disease. LINK

Herbert & Anna Newspaper Articles 1910-13

I ordered a copy of the microfilm for the “Clear Lake Courier” from the South Dakota State Archives. It covers the years 1910-1913.

Lost Child Ends Up At Herb Langdon’s Place – 15 June 1911

While visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Will White last Sunday the 3 year old boy of Mr. and Mrs. Gregory became separated from the other children at play in the grove and wandered away to the Sutton farm over a mile away.  The people on the Sutton place picked up the lad, but as they are new comers here did not know to whom he belonged and took him over to Herb Langdon’s place where he was as much of a stranger as ever.  By telephoning around the neighborhood the parents were finally found and the child taken home. 

Belle Jaus Marriage – 6 April 1911

In glancing over the records at the court house this week we are astonished to find that the Courier had omitted to publish the marriage of Miss Bell Langdon and Mr. Macklin Burbridge, which occurred on March 18th.  How we overlooked the matter we are unable to tell, but if not too late we tender our heartfelt congratulations to the bride and groom.

Herb Langdon Jr. Birth – 23 Feb 1911

Mr. and Mrs. Herb Langdon residing on the Sanborn farm north of town are the happy parents of a baby boy born to them last Saturday.


9 March 1911 Herb Langdon was taken to the hospital at Rochester last Monday.  Mr. Langdon has been in poor health for years, but it is thought that he will find relief at the hospital.

16 March 1911 Herb Langdon is still at Rochester and the doctors seem to be puzzled regarding his case.  They inform him however that he has not got Bright’s disease and as the treatment there is helping him he may ultimately be cured.

23 March 1911 Word was received from Rochester yesterday that Herb Langdon would undergo an operation at the Mayo hospital this week.  It is understood that one of his kidneys will be removed.

30 March 1911 Herb Langdon came home from the hospital at Rochester last night.  He has a bad cold and is also bothered with pleurisy and the doctors sent him home to get rid of these before they operate on him.  He expects to return in about three weeks.

1 May 1911 Herb Langdon returned to Rochester yesterday and it is understood that he will undergo an operation for kidney trouble.

1 May 1911 Herb Langdon was operated on at Rochester last Friday and his right kidney removed.  He is recovering nicely from the ordeal and expects to return home in a short time.

18 May 1911 Herb Langdon is recovering nicely from his operation at the hospital and is expected to return from Rochester tomorrow or Saturday.  E.F. Kohnke passed a subscription paper last week and secured fifty dollars as a benefit to Mr. Langdon.

1 June 1911 Herb Langdon returned home last Tuesday from the hospital at Rochester where he underwent a severe surgical operation some weeks ago.  We are pleased to state that the operation was a success and that Mr. Langdon is improved in health.

17 Aug 1911 H. E. Langdon returned to the hospital at Rochester last Tuesday to undergo an other operation.  He recovered finely from the operation last spring, but other complications have arisen that leads him to believe that he will have to undergo another operation.
31 Aug 1911 Mrs. Herb Langdon received a card from her husband who is at the hospital at Rochester yesterday and he states that he is getting along nicely.  He did not have to submit to a second operation but an abscess had formed in the old wound that gave him serious trouble until the pus was removed.

29 Feb 1912 Herbert Langdon went to the hospital at Rochester again last Monday. This is Mr. Langdon’s third trip there and it is to be hoped that this time he will find permanent relief from his ailments.

Anna and Two of Her Daughters

Left is Anna and Blanche; Right is Anna and Mary.

Herbert and Anna Marriage 1889

Thanks to Ray Reu for this photo!


This might be their wedding. Anna is very young. Note you can see grass popping up near the “baseboard” of the painted backdrop.

Herbert and Anna’s Marriage Certificate. Her place of residence is listed as Norden. LINK

Herbert Langdon Abt 1889

Guessing this photo was taken at the time of his marriage to Anna.  They were married 20 May 1889.

Herbert and Anna family abt 1900

Back row: Anna, Archie, Herbert. Front: (Carrie) Belle, baby Mary, Myrtle.

Skinner Dray Line Ads

Herb moved back to South Dakota because of a good position. According to the article about Catherine Langdon, he bought the Arthur Clark Dray Line in Clear Lake. He helped move the courthouse from Gary to Clear Lake and then sold it to take up farming full time.

1903 Langdons Move To SD
Catherine Langdon Article

Belle Carrie (Langdon) Jaus

One of Herbert and Anna Langdon’s children was Belle Carrie Langdon. She was born in April of 1893 in Oregon and passed away 18 May 1989 in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. On 18 March 1910 at the age of 16 she married 18 year old William Macklin Burbridge in Deuel County, South Dakota.

Source: South Dakota Department of Health. South Dakota Marriage Index, 1905-1914 and South Dakota Marriage Certificates, 1905-1949. Pierre, SD, USA: South Dakota Department of Health.

They had five children.

  1. James Macklin Burbridge Jr. (1911-1968)
  2. Marjorie C Burbridge (1912-2000)
  3. Jeanette Burbridge (1917-?)
  4. June A Burbridge (1917-?)
  5. Doris E Burbridge (1919-?)

William died at the age of 51 on 21 Mar 1943 in Deuel County, South Dakota. She then married Charles S Jaus.

Belle Carrie (Langdon) Jaus 1950s

Here’s a photo of her with her siblings in 1972. LR: Belle Jaus, Herb Langdon (Herbert Langdon Jr.), Lilly Clarksean, Blanche Doran, Archie Langdon, Myrtle Stoops. LINK

Belle Jaus Descendants Info

First is an excerpt from an email:

Rufus and Catherine had a son named Herbert. Herbert had a daughter named Belle (my maternal great grandmother), Belle had a daughter named Marjorie Catherine (my maternal grandmother), Marjorie Catherine had a daughter named Sharon (my mother)  ..and I’ve left the name of the daughter out.

Second is a link to a post in Rootsweb:

Charles Jaus was married 4 times. His first wife, Hilda Manache, was the mother to Gordon and Forest. His 2nd wife was the chiroractor and her name was Eva Willy, and she had the adopted son named Rex. I remember seeing him when I was little. His 3rd wife was Jenny, she died, and then he married Belle, who I remember the most. I don’t think Rex is the biological son of Charles Jaus, but I’ll ask my sister, she remembers more of the history.

He had two other children, Everett & Marilyn who I think Belle is their mother. Born in 1946 and 1948.

My Mom just died last year at 91 yrs. old., but my Dad died in 1973. Grandpa and Belle Jaus were able to be at the funeral, but now have passed away. LINK

Mary Catherine and Edwin Ivan Partridge

Mary Catherine (Langdon) and Edwin Ivan Partridge. Children are Oran and baby Lilly Ann. Mary passed away in 1923. Thanks to Ray Reu for these photos!

Here’s a great shot of Mary on the right, Who is the woman on the left?

 Here’s Edward and Oran Partridge during WWII

 Here’s Oran Partridge and I think his wife Elaine during WWII
Oran Partridge Death
Orin Partridge Death

Oran died 19 Mar 1953 while working at a Dam in Minnesota. I’m not sure which spelling is correct. I’ve seen it on several documents as “Orin”, “Oran” and “Oron”. Here’s his Death Certificate. LINK

Lily Clarksean

Herbert and Anna’s Children 1972

LR: Belle Jaus, Herb Langdon (Herbert Langdon Jr.), Lilly Clarksean, Blanche Doran, Archie Langdon, Myrtle Stoops

Lily Clarksean was born Lily Ann Partridge. She was the daughter of Mary Catherine Langdon and Edward Ivan Partridge. Mary Catherine Langdon (born 22 Dec 1899 – died 19 Mar 1923)  Mary was born while Anna and Herbert lived in Oregon.

Lily Ann was born 29 Sep 1921 in South Dakota. When she was two years old her mother Mary died. (1923)  I don’t know the circumstances, but she did not stay with her father. She was raised by her grandmother Anna as a daughter and was treated as a sibling to her Aunts and Uncles.

Archie & Hattie Langdon

Thanks to Ray Reu for theses photos!

Archie & Hattie’s Children

  1. Sylvan Arthur Langdon (born 29 Aug 1912 – died 5 Oct 2005)
  2. Cora Elizabeth Langdon (born 14 Jan 1915 – died 16 Oct 1994)
  3. Lillian Trina Langdon (15 Jul 1917 – died ?)
  4. Marion Langdon (born 1919 – living)
  5. Alice Irene Langdon (born 21 Oct 1921 – died 31 Oct 2011)
    NOTE: Loren and Vernon below were twin brothers
  6. Loren H Langdon (born 15 Feb 1924 – died 9 Mar 1926)
  7. Vernon Archie Langdon (born 15 Feb 1924 – died 9 Apr 1991)
  8. Lorraine H Langdon (born 30 Apr 1925 – died 23 Jan 2013)
  9. Donna Lou Langdon (born 27 Oct 1928 – 24 Feb 2009)

Archie & Helga (Hattie) Langdon Wedding 1912

They were married Feb 10, 1912 in Brandt, South Dakota.

From the 15 Feb, 1912 “Clear Lake Courier”:

“Archie R. Langdon and Hattie Wohler were married by Rev. Olsen at the Highland parsonage Saturday afternoon February 10th.  Only a few relatives were present.  The groom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Langdon living about 2 miles north of Clear Lake and the bride is a daughter of Mrs. Lars Wohler of Brandt township.  After the cermony, they went to the bride’s home where a splendid supper was served to all.  May the young couple live long and always be contented and happy.”

And a second article from the same edition:

“Archie Langdon son of Mr. and Mrs. Herb Langdon north of town and Miss Hattie Wohler of Brandt were married at the Highland church at Brandt Saturday February 10th Rev. Johan Olson officiating.  The bride and groom are young people of exceptional merit and have a host of friends who will join the Courier in wishing them a long and happy life.

17 thoughts on “Herbert & Anna Langdon

  1. I am the great granddaughter of Belle Jaus. I would be happy to provide you with the names of more of her descendents from the line of her daughter, Marjorie Catherine.

  2. Marjorie Catherine (daughter of Belle Jaus) married Thomas Lee Boyer, and had two daughters: Virginia and Sharon Ann.
    Virginia Boyer married Harold Falls, and had three daughters and one son: Lisa Falls, Cindy Falls, Lori Falls & Michael (he is by another father, name unknown to me).
    Sharon Ann Boyer married Ray Walter Van Riper and had two daughters: Sherri Jo Van Riper (married Michael James Rinehart) and Catherine Lee Van Riper (married Michael L. Kliewer).
    Sharon and Ray divorced, and Sharon later married Robert Norris Harrison Jr. Together, they had one daughter and one son: Ashley Jean Harrison (married David Sargeant), and Robert Norris Harrison.
    Sherri Jo (Van Riper) Rinehart had four daughters: Jennifer Ann Rinehart, Heather Lynn Rinehart, Rachael S. Rinehart and Ashley Jo Rinehart.
    Robert Harrison had one daughter, Serenity Harrison.
    Neither Catherine Lee (Van Riper) Kliewer, nor Ashley Jean (Harrison) Sargeant had any children.
    Thank you for your very thorough website! I enjoy seeing all of the photos ! Kind Regards, Cathy

  3. Hi I saw aunt Belles name here. I got tears seeing a wonderful pic if my grandma Blanche with great grandma Anna. I loved both if them dearly. I spent time at great grandma Annas overnight as we lived by Gary. Mom & dad where visiting grma Anna the day I was born in Clear Lake as a premee. Love all the work you have done Mark!! My mom Pauline told me Mary died in child birth having Lily Ann. And the father was so sad left Lily Ann with great grandma Ann. ( thats the story). Yesterday researched my grma Gertrude Aulwes parents. They were Anthonys found all the info in Clifton Wis. Was neet to learn there names. Yes Im John Aulwes sister Ginger…but we are night & day diffrent..Again tks youve done a great job. Ginger Aulwes – Syler. My grma Blanche Langdon..918- 906-0626 .nope I dont do facebook..Im old school…

  4. Amazing stuff, Quite intresting to me. A lot of family History that i never new… mostly because it’s be fore my time…. way before…. Roger Stanford Langdon currently of New Smyrna Beach ,Florida… Born in Sioux Falls at Moe Hospital on April 17, 1937.. We were married in Charlotte, Michigan on Sept 30,1984. I was an Air Trrc Ctl Supervisor at the Lansing Airport Ctl TOWER.. MARLENE WAS A 3RD GRADE TEACHER at Delta Center ELEMENMTARY SCHOOL. Marlene and I have lived here since 2009.

  5. Hi Mark! My name is Rosemarie Johnson Claar. I go by Rose and my grandmother was Blanche Susan. I LOVE seeing these family pictures, especially the ones of Grandma and her family. I remember when my Great Grandmother Anna died, I was just a girl. That was the first time I remember seeing my Dad cry. Anna was his Grandmother. He went to her funeral and came home crying. I dont blame him, I still cry from missing my Grandma Blanche. But I want to thank you so much for putting this together for all of the family to enjoy. By the way, my Dad was the only son that Blanche had. He was Rex Johnnie Johnson.

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