A Few Interesting Things About Gideon
He seems to have had FIVE wives and was involved in the first naval skirmish in the War of 1812. He was the first settler of Steuben County, Indiana and two of his sons traveled the Oregon Trail. Not once, but twice! One of them operated a gold mine in Idaho during the Civil War. It also appears his youngest son “Charles” died in the Civil War.
Daughter Sarah Jane married a Civil War soldier who fought with the Ohio 101st Infantry. He was wounded by a cannon ball burst at the Battle of Chickamauga and was only able to sleep by sitting in a rocking chair for the rest of his life.
Daughter Sarah Jane also believed she was the first “white” child born in Beloit, Wisconsin. She was not a fountain of facts, but was not far off.
Gideon was also involved in an early incident with the Potawatomi Indians in pioneer Indiana named the “Gage and Langdon War”.
1795 •••••
Gideon was born the 6th of April, 1795 in the state of New York. His father was Rufus J. Langdon and his mother might have been named Mary. Her name appears in an 1820 land document.

I don’t know where Rufus was living when Gideon was born, but from 1805 – 1822 he lived in the town of Pomfret, Chautauqua County, NY. He’s in land, census and tax records there. When he first came to the area it was nothing more than a wilderness. No roads, villages or any kind of settlement. Like most of the early settlers of western New York, he probably didn’t have enough money to buy land, so he made an agreement with the Land Company. They “articled” the land to him. That is, he made a land contract which required him to make small down payments periodically and prove that he was “improving” his parcel.
On 7 June 1805 Rufus (Elder) Langdon took an article with the Holland Land Co. for a Lot in Dunkirk. Because the area was so thickly wooded, it was hard to see what the best property might be. Rufus probably found a better piece of land and began putting his efforts into that parcel. By 1807 he was behind on payments and the land reverted back to the Company. In 1809 they transferred it to a someone else, and Rufus entered into a new contract for a piece of land a few miles down in Pomfret.
The family were members of the Baptist Church there.
In 1808 they show up in the Poor Relief Rolls. Rufus Langdon is listed for the years 1808, 1810, 1811 and 1812. Rufus Langdon and family are also referenced for the years 1812, 1814, 1821 and 1822.
1812 •••••
When the War of 1812 begins, 17 year old Gideon enlists in McMahan’s Regiment of the New York Militia. He seems to have been involved in the first naval skirmish of the war and was present at the burning of Buffalo. He enlisted in Pomfret, NY and served under several officers. Capt. Martin B. Tubbs, Lt. Col. James McMahan, and Capt. Perry. He is discharged by Capt. Perry in Pomfret, NY at the end of the war. His pay for the month of September 1812 is $6.66.
In an 1855 letter Gideon briefly outlines his service:
“…was a private in the company commanded by captain Jms (James) Hale in the regiment of militia commanded by McMan… he entered the service from Chautauqua county – A.D. 1813 and continued for the term of fourteen days and was in the battle at Blackrock and was honorably discharged at the same place on the day of said battle.”

An 1857 letter goes on to add:
“…he volunteered in Chautauqua co. N.Y. in company of Capt. James Hale. ?Scent Eaton. Ens. Chas. Barrette, Col. McMann in McMahon N.Y. Militia and service over 14 days – this he thinks was in 1813. He also volunteered at an other time in the Company, of Capt. Benj. Perry, Col. McMahon as a ?(Substitute?) for Willi Willoughby & was in a battle at the mouth of the “Canada Creek”, in Lake Erie near Dunkirk, N.Y.”
The first naval skirmish in the War of 1812 began in Lake Erie near the mouth of the Canadaway Creek.
Gideon’s regiment marching to the battle of Black Rock.

“About the middle of December the Chautauqua County Milita were called out en masse, to rendezvous at the cross-roads and march to Buffalo under the command of Colonel John McMahan. The Militia promptly obeyed the call at that inclement season of the year, without being provided with blankets, knapsacks, tents, rations, camp equipage or transportation to render them comfortable. It should be borne in mind that the County was then almost a wilderness. The men on their march to Buffalo, and while there, suffered much from cold and hunger.” Many of them weren’t even armed.
1816 •••••
At the age of 21 in 1816, Gideon sells land that once belonged to his father.
1820 •••••

Gideon’s 1st wife – Mary
His father sells land in New York. The document names “Gideon Langdon and Mary his wife”. He’s about 25 years old, but I have no idea when he married. In 1821 and 1823 Gideon is listed in the Town of Pomfret – Poor Relief Rolls.
1823 •••••
Speculation: He supposedly buys land near Sugar Grove, Warren County, Pennsylvania where Rufus II (younger) is born in 1827. I don’t seem to have any documents to support this other than Rufus (younger) naming his birthplace as Pennsylvania.
1826 •••••
Gideon buys land in Hartford Township, Trumbull County, Ohio on the 6th of September, 1826. His property is on the Ohio and Pennsylvania state line. The 1830 deed states that the property is located in the “Connecticut Western Reserve in the state of Ohio”.
Note: Many years later his daughter Sarah Jane claims that Gideon was born in Connecticut. Maybe she was thinking about the “Connecticut Western Reserve”?
1827 •••••
Son Rufus Jr. is born 24 Feb 1827 in Pennsylvania, USA. Gideon’s Ohio land was on the state line.
Speculation: They may have traveled back to Pennsylvania to have the child with a trusted midwife. His wife Mary seems to disappear after this. Perhaps she died giving birth to Rufus? Maybe she divorced him?
Two weeks after Rufus’ birth, on the 7th of March, 1827, Gideon buys more land in Hartford Township, Trumbull County, Ohio.
1828 •••••
According to 1828 and 1829 Tax Records, Gideon in still living in Hartford Township, Trumbull County.
Gideon’s 2nd wife – Betsey
Son Abram G is born December of 1828 in Hartford Township, Trumbull, Ohio. His mother is named Betsey.
Speculation: This is only 9 months after the birth of Rufus. Abram is said to be a half brother of Rufus. Not sure what’s going on, but it’s sure moving quickly.
1830 ••••••
Gideon makes his third land purchase in Trumbull, Ohio. 21 April 1830. His second wife Betsey is named in the record.
1831 •••••
Age 36, Gideon is the first settler in Steuben County, Indiana.
From the 1876 Illustrated Historical Atlas of the State of Indiana: The smoke from the first permanent settler’s cabin first arose within the present limits of Steuben County in the spring of 1831. That settler was Gideon Langdon. His rude cabin was in the southwest quarter of Section 5, Jackson Township, afterward known as the Town farm.
Son Ansel is born 26 July 1831.
Note: When Ansel Marries Phoebe Ann Stickles in 1866 his mother is listed as Betsey Langdon. Ansel and Abram G. are half brothers to Rufus.
1832 •••••
His wife Betsey dies.
The first death was that of Mrs. Gideon Langdon, in 1832. The remains were interred in the prairie burying ground, on land that has since passed into the possession of D. H. Roberts.
Speculation: She might have died from Cholera. This is from the Indianapolis Indiana Journal, October 27, 1832. “Cholera epidemic prevails throughout Indiana. Governor Noble proclaims second Monday in November as day of fasting and prayer.”
Gideon sells his land.
From the 1876 Illustrated Historical Atlas of the State of Indiana:
The first sale of land and transfer of title deeds was made October 3, 1832. This sale was made by Gideon Langdon, the first settler in the county, to William Lock, and was recorded in LaGrange County, to which county this region then belonged. The land transferred was the northeast quarter of the southwest quarter of Section 5, Jackson Township.
The Gage and Langdon War
VERY interesting old story from 1832 that seems to involve Gideon.
A miller and his Potawatomi Indian friends played a practical joke on a couple of farmers by the name of Langdon and Gage. It almost led to a massacre. Gideon only lived 5 miles away.
1833 •••••
Gideon’s 3rd wife – Judith Baker
On the 31st of January, 1833 he marries Judith Baker in Clark County, Ohio. We don’t see her again after this.
Speculation: Rufus (Elder) and Gideon’s brother Hiram are living in the township of Harmony, Clark County, Ohio in 1830. Same place as this marriage. He must have been visiting.
1834 •••••
5 Aug 1834 Gideon buys 120 acres in Steuben County, IN. They are recorded as 2 separate purchases.
- 80 acres- the east half of the southwest quarter of Section 5.
- 40 acres- the northwest quarter of the northwest quarter of Section 8.
1835 •••••
Gideon’s 4th wife – Maria Cook
7 April 1835 Marriage to Maria Cook in White Pigeon, St Joseph, Michigan.
1836 •••••
Age 41, moves to Beloit, Wisconsin. The Black Hawk War ended 4 years earlier.
Gideon did not arrive in Beloit alone. John and Samuel Langdon arrive in Beloit at the same time and were employed by Caleb Blodgett. They lived about a mile apart in cabins owned by Blodgett.
“Pioneer Beloit” by Arthur L. Luebke
“They were occupied by two Langdon families. The Gideon Langdon family lived in the north cabin until about March 1837. John Langdon and Samuel P. Langdon occupied the south cabin.”
The History of Rockton, Winnebago County, Illinois
“The first actual settlers were John Langdon and family, and his brothers, who settled in a grove at the northeast comer of Long Prairie, in the fall of 1836, where they built the first cabin in the township.”
1837 •••••
April 15, 1837 Deacon Henry Meyers arrives and gives a description of what he finds.
“Pioneer Beloit” by Arthur L. Luebke
“Of the inhabitants, I found a Mr. Blodgett and family, a Mr. Langdon whose house stood near where the Rock River Paper Mill now stands and who was about leaving the place…”
13 April 1925 letter from Gideon’s daughter Sarah Jane
Her husband John served in the Civil War. She was requesting an increase in her pension and mentions: “I was the first white child borned in Beloit, Wisconsin. Father went there with the New-Ingland Co. to buy land.” (Source: National Archives, Civil War Pension files of John Wesley Norton)
Speculation: The New England Emigrating Company played a major role in founding Beloit. Sarah may have been trying to boost her claim to an increase in pension, but I believe Gideon is mentioned in their records. Two of the men were awarded pieces of the abandoned “Langdon claim”. (Source: “The Book of Beloit” published 1936.)
“Diary of Ellery Crain” Beloit Historical Society holdings. Page 14.
“When representatives of the N. E. E. Company first arrived at the mouth of the Turtle, the log house built and occupied by Mr. Blodgett, with his family and the Thibault Log Cabin, where the Frenchman and his family lived, were the only cabins in the place occupied by settlers. The Log Hut a little way down the river, also the one a short distance up the river were empty; having been occupied by the Langdons, previous squatters here who had sold out and gone to a fresh field.“
1838 •••••
Daughter Sarah Jane is born 16 Feb 1838 near Beloit, Wisconsin.
August 25, 1909 article in the Beloit News about Sarah Jane and Gideon.
• His wife wanted him to sell the farm in Wisconsin and buy land in Chicago. He “thought his wife crazy to want to settle in that lake of mud”.
According to the above newspaper account the family moves 15 miles down river from Beloit when she is age 3. Almost to Rockford, IL. They live there for 3 years before moving to a farm within 5 miles of Delevan, WI.
Speculation: This seems to conflict with census, land and court records. In the 1840 US Federal Census, Gideon and family are living in Walworth County, WI. The census was conducted on June 1, 1840. On December 10, 1840 Gideon buys 80 acres in Walworth Co. That doesn’t sound like a man about to move the entire family about 30 miles to the southwest. In the 1842 Wisconsin State Census Gideon is living in Walworth County. On 1843 March 3, Gideon buys 40.89 acres in Walworth Co. The land is connected to land he already owns.
1840 •••••
December 10, 1840 Gideon buys 80 acres in Walworth County.
1840 US Federal Census
His age is 45 and there are 7 people living in his household. 5 male and 2 female.
Persons Employed in Agriculture: 5
Males – 5 thru 9: 1 (Might be Charles C)
Males – 10 thru 14: 2 (Ansel & Abram G?)
Males – 15 thru 19: 1 (Rufus?)
Males – 40 thru 49: 1 (Gideon)
Females – Under 5: 1 (Sarah Jane)
Females – 30 thru 39: 1 (Maria)
1842 •••••
1842 Wisconsin State Census. Gideon is living in Walworth County.
1843 •••••
March 3, 1843 he buys 40.89 acres in Walworth County.
October 1843, Gideon is involved in a Civil Court case. It appears the case began in La Porte Co., Indiana. A man named Moses Bullock sells Gideon a “sound” horse. Gideon claimed the horse was lame and of no use to him.
1844 •••••
Evidence for Gideon’s residence in Walworth County continues with the petition he signed in 1844.
1849 •••••
Gideon’s 5th wife – Anna Sumner
13 Sept. 1849 he marries his 5th wife Anna Sumner in Cass County, MI
1850 •••••
This is interesting. Abram G is in it and it is the only document I’ve seen where Rufus (Elder) has a middle initial. “J”
31 July 1850 (recorded 9 May 1851). Quit Claim Deed Rufus J Langdon to Gideon Langdon.
“This indenture made this thirty first day of July in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty between Abram G Langdon of Columbia County, Wisconsin and Rufus J Langdon of Marquette County said state of the first party and Gideon Langdon of the place last apraised? of the second party.”
1851 •••••
10 January 1851 son Abram G. Langdon marries Sally Langdon in Randolph, Wisconsin.
17 Mar 1851 (recorded 9 May 1851). Rufus Elder leases Gideon land in Marquette County, Wisconsin for 11 years.
“In case the said Gideon Langdon should die before the expiration of the eleven years, the lease is to run to Charles C. Langdon and Sara Jane Langdon, son and daughter of the said Gideon Langdon.”
21 Mar 1851 (recorded 9 May 1851) Bond for land from Rufus (Elder?) to Gideon. Marquette County, Wisconsin.
1853 •••••
Sons Ansel and Abram G. travel to Missouri and join the Dimmicks on the Oregon Trail. They arrive in Oregon 6-10 October 1853.
1855 •••••
Wisconsin 1855 State Census. Living in Mackford, Marquette County, Wisconsin
1857 •••••
Well it looks like he arrived in Minnesota much earlier than I thought. According to documents from the Recorder’s office in Austin, MN, Gideon leases land on the Cedar river. It’s the land he eventually buys 2 years later.
1859 •••••
3 May 1859. Buys 40 acres in Mower Co., Minnesota.
1 June 1859. Buys 120 acres in Mower Co., Minnesota.
Note/Speculation: The Cedar river ran through his property. (Cedar Rapids, Iowa is downstream). I looked for historical records of flooding. Maybe that’s why he went to California?
Didn’t expect to find that less than a year before he bought the property, a town that was located less than a mile downstream from him was wiped out of existence by flooding.
Note: Even more puzzling given the above data. He was actually living there when the flooding took place.
It looks like Mower county now uses section 27 and 28 to help with flood control.
• Ghost Towns of Mower County
“I refer also to Cedar City, six miles south of here (*Austin), which once had its saw mill and its flour mill, and Justice Meanes, before whom long suits at law were wont to be tried in ancient days. But the floods of August, 1858, swept out the last vestige of that city.”
• More on Cedar City
“These two men, built a dam of stones and timber and then built a sawmill and grist mill behind it. The rains of the spring of 1858 were unusually heavy and the new dam gave way to the unexpected water levels. The dam and mills were never rebuilt“
1864 •••••

Son Charles dies April 2, 1864 in the Civil War. He’s buried on the banks of the Mississippi in Missouri at Jefferson Barracks National Cemetery. LINK
Gideon receives 171.03 acres of land in the form of a Military Warrant for his service in the War of 1812. The land is located in Freeborn Co., Minnesota. He sells it to Caleb Northup 18 Sep 1864
Son Abram G. has entered into a partnership with two other men and is in the mountains north of Boise, Idaho (North of Pioneer City). He is mining gold.
SPECULATION: Could this be the reason Gideon travels west? He sold his military bounty land 18 September 1864. On 27 August and 29 September 1864 there are two newspaper articles in the “Idaho Statesman” about Abram’s mine and his efforts to secure financial backing to purchase mining equipment. Abram also writes a letter to the Governor of Oregon on the first of November 1864.
First Article: 1864-08-27; Idaho Statesman; Page 2
Second Article: 1864-09-29; Idaho Statesman; Page 2
Abram writes to the Governor of Oregon asking if he would be interested in investing in the mine.
1865 •••••
1865 Minnesota Census is taken June 1. Gideon is gone.
SPECULATION: Perhaps there’s info to find in the local papers? We can narrow the dates between Sept 1864 when he sells his land in Freeborn county and 1 June 1865 when they take the census. I’d like to take a look at the Land Records in Mower county and see when he sold the land he was living on.
1867 •••••
Living in San Jose, California, USA. (Per letter he wrote asking about War of 1812 pension)
1868 •••••
21 Oct 1868. Hayward earthquake in San Francisco Bay area. Several buildings in San Jose are destroyed. Mark Twain is living in San Francisco at the time and devotes a chapter of one of his books to it. “Roughing It”. Part 6 – Chapter 58.
Speculation: Gideon is around 73 at the time and probably decided that it would be a good time to leave town. About 2 months after the earthquake he shows up in Salem, Oregon.
Note: Samuel Clemens (Mark Twain) married Oliva Langdon. She is NOT related to the immediate Langdons we’re looking at.
1869 •••••
Living in Salem, Oregon. 9 Jan 1869 Gideon writes to B.F. Dowell (Washington D.C.) and asks Dowell to inquire about pension petition sent to government two years ago, for War of 1812 pension.
His letter is in the Oregon State University, Northwest Digital Archives.
1870 •••••

Gideon dies April 24, 1870 of consumption in the town of Clinton, Rock County, WI. Mortality schedule lists him as widowed.
In death as in life, Gideon kept moving. He was buried in Summerville Cemetery – Lot 22 Block 8. In 1891 a railroad company laid tracks through the land so he moved to Clinton Cemetery. Block 009 Lot 010.
(Rock Co. Genealogical booklet on cemeteries) Gideon’s final resting place is currently unmarked in a potter’s field. (Located on the far northeast side) The original headstones from Summerville Cemetery no longer exist.
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