Christian & Magdelina Wehde c.1888 ••••

Photo Circ 1888 • Click Image for a larger view

L-R Back Row: Henry Wehde, John Fred Wehde, Louise Garbers, Dora Kuehl, William Wehde, Gus Wehde

L-R Front Row: Christian Wehde, Magdelena Wehde, Fred Wehde

William Wehde served as mayor of Holstein for two years. 

Thanks to Marilyn Dose of the Ida County, Iowa Gen Web.

The photo above is from the “Holstein Centennial Book 1882-1982”. (No longer in print) Here’s a link to the Ida County Iowa Gen Web. Much more information is available there.


Wehde Ford Fleet about 1919 •••••••••••••

Alma’s husband “Harold Jacob Jurgensen” submitted the photo at left to something. They misspelled his name, but all I have is this copy, so there is no source. It appears to be on the Wehde farm with Emma in the middle and John standing next to the car on the far right.

Another ad at left shows that he almost owned the entire line of Ford vehicles!

Assorted Interesting Articles •••••••••••••

Here’s an old 1957 article that’s interesting. The old newspapers had a lot of “Local Happenings” sections that were early social networks. They were like a print version of “Facebook”.  The article linked below is a short list of “Who Came to Dinner at the Bremer’s”.  It’s interesting to note that everyone listed is a Wehde. Mrs. Bremer was Edna Wehde, Mrs. Jurgensen was Alma Wehde, and Mrs. Ericksen was Leona Wehde.


Source: Newspaper “Pioneer Record” 10 Oct 1957, pg. 10

I’ve added a few “Family Histories” to the people below.

How the Wehde’s came to America •••••

History of the Wehdes written by Gladys Raabe.


Source: “Holstein Centennial Book 1882-1982”

Hulda & Bill Walker ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

Hulda Irene Wehde married William James Walker in Union County, South Dakota on 7 Jul 1932. At left is their Wedding photo.

Click Image for a larger view

Record of Marriage


Bill and Hulda Walker family history written by William Bayer.


Source: “Holstein Centennial Book 1882-1982”

Edna & Albert Bremer ••••••••••••••••••••••••••

Edna Wehde married Albert Bremer in Minnehaha, South Dakota on 23 Dec 1930.

Click Image for a larger view

Record of Marriage


Edna and Albert Bremer family history. Don’t know who wrote it.


Source: “Holstein Centennial Book 1882-1982”

Emma’s Family ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

Leona’s mother was born Emma Andresen on Feb. 26, 1880 in Holstein, Iowa. Here’s the William and Doris Andresen family history written by Bonnie Andresen.


Source: “Holstein Centennial Book 1882-1982”

Here’s William Andresen’s Obit. They put him in the front yard. Wonder if he’s still there?



William’s father was H. H. Andresen. Here’s a photo of his home in Davenport, Iowa.

H. H. Andresen home with a horse & buggy out front.


The home is on the National Register of Historic Places and has a plaque on it.

Today it’s very run down. It sold for $25,900 in 2011. Here’sa website with interior & exterior views of it.


Hans Heinrich Andresen. 

Here’s a biography of him from

“History of Scott County, Iowa 1882 “

H. H. Andresen, cashier of the German Savings Bank, was born in Scheiswig-Holstein, Germany, in December, 1826. He was there reared and educated, and during the war against Denmark was in the military service, from the first battle to the last. He came to America as a refugee in the fall of 1851, and located first in Milwaukee, where he taught school one winter. In the spring of 1852 he went to Chicago, and secured employment in the office of a land agency; afterward conducted a real estate business on his own account from 1854 and 1855. The latter year he came to Davenport and engaged in the general mercantile business; he sold out in 1859, and in 1860 he was appointed deputy sheriff under James Thorington; he went to Fort Scott, Kan., in 1862 to take charge of a fort settlership under Mr. Thorington's supervision; he returned to Davenport in 1864. In 1865 he started a window blind factory, which he ran for a number of years; meantime, in the fall of 1868, he was elected secretary of the Davenport Fire Insurance Company. During his administration in this institution the concern was successful in restoring former losses, and while thus employed, was chief mover in establishing the German Savings Bank, and the two were run in harmony, the stockholders in the insurance company becoming stockholders in the bank. The insurance company was wound up in 1874. For a number of years Mr. Andresen had the active supervision of the three enterprises, which involved great labor and responsibilities. Since that date has had sole active charge of the bank, which is one of the most ably managed financial institutions in the West, and has been exceptionally prosperous. Mr. Andresen was elected alderman from the second ward three times, and served in 1859-'60, and in 1864 until 1868. While serving in this capacity he was elected chairman of the finance committee, and as such instituted a system of bookkeeping for the city offices which is still in vogue. Mr. Andresen returned to Europe in 1854 and there married Mary A. Thompson in May of that year. They have a family of two sons and three daughters. The youngest son is a clerk in the bank, the other is a farmer in Ida Co., Iowa. In his political views Mr. Andresen is Republican.

Emma’s Obit ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

She died in Sioux Falls, but an obit ran in her hometown.


Source: Newspaper “Pioneer Record” 3 Apr 1952

Early Emma Photos?

Click Image for a larger view


The three images above belonged to Leona. Far right is the only identified photo. Are the photos at left younger photos of Emma? They certainly look like the same person to me. Here’s links to the originals.

Photo One: Unknown Child. I believe this is Emma Apprx. 1884.


Photo Two:  Swingers. I believe this is Emma Apprx. 1892-1894. Emma only had one sister. Who are the other women?


Photo Three:  Emma’s 1900 Wedding Photo.


Schleswig-Holstein, Germany ••••••••••••••

The Wehde’s originally lived here. If you want to do any research into their origins, you’ll need to start here. Access to German records usually requires a fee. If you don’t know what you’re looking for, it can quickly get expensive.

Klaus Struve at Rootsdigger is a genealogist in Schleswig-Holstein. I emailed him about the Wehde’s listed on his site and he sent a response that I’ve edited below. He’s been very highly recommended from a variety of sources I’ve had contact with. He knows what to look for, has very reasonable prices and can translate the findings.

Here’s a link to his site:

Why did they leave Germany? •••••••••••

You can read about one reason here:


Almost every male listed below is accused of not showing for military service and of leaving the country without the required permit.  A couple of things need to be pointed out.

1) The date the accusation was made does not mean that the emigration was in that year. They may have emigrated years earlier.

2) It means exactly what it says: there was an accusation in that year. Accusing someone and trying him could be done without that person being present.



* = born in

~ = born about

¥ = married with

sof = son of

dof = daughter of

Wehde, Johann Friedrich

He emigrated to Holstein, Iowa, in the early 1890 's as a widower with his son Christian and his family.

¥ Nebendahl, Christina Dorothea (†).USA

Wehde, Wilhelm (Wilhelm Friedrich)* 1848, 30 Jan.

sof Johann Friedrich ¥ Auguste Dorothea née Nehmdahl.

Accused of not showing for military service and of leaving the country without the required permit. Siblings in America : Detlef Bernhard and Johann.USA

Wehde, Detlef Bernhard              ~ 1856

sof Johann Friedrich ¥ Auguste Dorothea née Nehmdahl.

Siblings in America : Wilhelm and Johann.USA

Wehde, Detlef Georg                       * 1855 21 June

sof Johann Friedrich ¥ Christina Dorothea née Nebendahl.

Accused (in 1878) of illegal emigration or of not showing for military service. USA

Wehde, Johann                                * 1852 15 Nov

sof Johann Friedrich ¥ Auguste Dorothea née Nehmdahl.

Siblings in America : Detlef Bernhard and Wilhelm.

Wehde, Christian                      * 1845 31 May

sof Johann Friedrich ¥ Christina Dorothea née Nebendahl.

¥ Rohr, Magdalena. They emigrated in the 1890’ies.

They lived in Holstein, Iowa. Several children there.USA

Wehde, Dorothea Louise            * 1865 13 Jan.

dof Christian * 1845 ¥ Magdalena née Rohr. Several siblings and her parents in the USA.


Man below is the brother William that was married at the same time as John. According to Leona, he also “helped Mother with the family, while Dad went with livestock train, lay over in Sioux City”

Wehde, Johann Detlef Wilhelm   * 1867 21 May

sof Christian * 1845 ¥ Magdalena née Rohr. Premarital.

Several siblings and his parents in the USA.

Accused (in 1892) of leaving the country without a permit for emigration and of not showing for military service.USA


Man below is Leona’s father John Fred Wehde.

Wehde, Johann Friedrich             * 1872 13 Dec

sof Christian * 1845 ¥ Magdalena née Rohr.

Accused (in 1893) of not showing for military service and of leaving the country without the required permit. Several siblings and his parents settled in the USA.USA

Wehde, Carl Heinrich                      * 1875 16 Mar

sof Christian * 1845 ¥ Magdalena née Rohr.

Several siblings and his parents in the USA.USA

Wehde, Elise Dorothea            * 1877 29 June

dof Christian * 1845 ¥ Magdalena née Rohr.

Several siblings and her parents in the USA.USA

Wehde, Gustav Detlef                     * 1880 20 July

sof Christian * 1845 ¥ Magdalena née Rohr.

Several siblings and his parents in the USA.USA


Notes From Klaus:

Nehmdal / Nebendahl = same name.

Auguste Dorothea vs. Christina Dorothea: if she went by Dorothea, who would care for her other given name? But it happened quite often that a widower married his deceased wife's sister. Needs to be checked.

This seems to be the same family, 3 generations.

John & Emma Burial ••••••••••••••••••••••••

They are buried in Woodlawn Cemetery

Sioux Falls, Minnehaha County

South Dakota, USA

View them in Find a Grave.


Erickson/Wehde Picnic July 4, 1949 •••••

Click Image for a larger view

Left to right back row:

1. Gerry Lofgren • 2. Ole Stensing (family Friend) • 3. John Clifford Erickson  • 4. Jim Lofgren • 5. Jessie (Jess) Austin Herrington (Married too Jim Lofgren's Sister Selma) • 6. Peter Erickson  • 7. Sivert Erickson • 8. Evelyn Erickson • 9. Selma Caroline Herrington (went by the nickname Sam and was Jim Lofgren’s Sister) • 10. Jim Lofgren • 11. Gertie Lofgren • 12. Martha Bremer • 13. Alma Jurgensen • 14. Emma Wehde • 15. Unknown • 16. Deloris Jurgensen • 17. Maurice Erickson

Left to right front row: (kids)

  1. 18.Oliver Erickson • 19. Arthur Erickson • 20. Dennis Erickson • 21. John Albert Erickson • 22. Larry Dean Erickson • 23. Karen (Erickson) Schmidt  • 24. Shirley Jurgensen 

More Wehde Photos/Info •••••••••••••••••••••

Click the image for a larger view.

5 women. It looks like Emma in the middle, but I’m not sure. If it is, who are the other women? Is the date right for this style of dress? Emma married in 1900, so I don’t think she would have looked this old. But when was the photo taken?


The women are all named on the back of this photo. You can see it here on the new page.


HUGE clues are right there. I know what to look for, but I just don’t have the time.

  1. 1)Look at the bottom of each woman’s dress. Notice at the stripes? They should be able to be dated according to fashion, but each woman is wearing something different.

  2. 2)The shoulders of the dresses. Same thing. There were pointed, pleated, puffed, etc. shoulders, but I haven’t got a clue to the timeframe.

  3. 3)Why is the woman on the left wearing a top so different?

Here’s a great link that I’ve used many times. It might be a good photo to actually submit.

The Photo Detective.


Here’s some great photos from Harold Wehde’s granddaughter!

Harold Wehde (Sr.)

No date yet.

Click the image for a larger view.

Harold Wehde (Jr.)

About 1950 at his wedding.

Click the image for a larger view.

Here’s his obit:

Harold A. Wehde, 70

Harold A. Wehde, Jr., 70, of Wheeler, Ore., died Tuesday, Feb. 1, 2011 after a short stay at Nehalem Valley Care Center, after many years of failing health.

He was born Aug. 2, 1940 to Harold Sr. and Ruby (Barrett) Wehde in Sioux Falls.

Harold enjoyed hunting, fishing, gardening and the outdoors. For many years he lived in the Hamilton, Mont. area and most recently in Astoria, Ore.

He is survived by a son, Brandyn (Brandi) Wehde, Richland, Wash.; a daughter, Shanyn Wehde, Republic, Mo.; a brother, A. David (Harriet) Wehde, Brandon; a granddaughter, Kyla; a step-grandson, Taylor; two great-grandchildren; a good friend and caregiver, Gerry Henry; and several other relatives.

He was preceded in death by his wife, Paula; an infant son, Corey; his parents, Harold and Ruby Wehde; step-mother, Viola Wehde; grandparents, C.H. Kelley and Mildred Barrett; and grandparents, John F. and Emma Wehde.

Private graveside rites will be held at a later date.

Harold Wehde (Sr.)

Her name was Viola. Harold’s brother Raymond married Violet E Kram. She was called “Vi” too, so it’s easy to get confused. (For me at least.)

Click the image for a larger view.

Here’s Ray & Vi

As opposed to Harold & Vi.

Click the image for a larger view. 


My brother and I used to spend our summers living with my grandmother after John Clifford died. Her philosophy was “idle hands…etc.” so we always worked. She farmed us out to all of her friends and relatives. My brother and I weeded the bean fields for Ray and Vi (Raymond and Violet) MANY times. Loved them. Vi’s sister Alice lived on the property in a mobile home. I seem to remember she couldn’t speak.

Harold & Viola’s Obits •••••••••••••••••••••••••

Harold Wehde (Jr.)


Click the image for a larger view.

Viola Wehde


Click the image for a larger view. 

Here’s Leona (Wehde) Erickson’s Obit




Click Image for a larger view

23 Jan 1900 •••••••••••

Emma ANDRESEN Wehde and John Fred Wehde were married

23 Jan 1900 in Ida Grove. John’s Wedding Photo above.


John had piercing blue eyes. Early photograhic processes could not record certain hues of blue.

John’s Obit •••••••••••

Click Image for a larger view

Obits ••••••••••••••••••••

Not pretty. I have not “fixed” these. Read them if you dare.


Guess I “fixed” this.


Here’s Waleter Whede’s death certficate



John’s Wedding •••••

These Guys all seem to be a part of the wedding.

Click Image for a larger view

John is wearing the same suit in his wedding photo. Are the other gentlemen his brothers?

1900 Wedding •••••••

Emma’s Wedding Photo at left.

Click Image for a larger view

Daughter Leona easily remembered their Anniversary. Zero, one, two, three. (1900 Jan 23). She also wrote down what her parents told her about their wedding:

“They remembered their wedding day as a cold day. Went by horse & buggy from Holstein to Ida Grove. When they got married they had a double wedding with Dad's brother and they farmed together the first year.“


The brother that was married in the double wedding was William Wehde to Martha Bremer. The 1900 census taken in June shows them living with William and Martha Wehde.

1920s-1940s Family Photos •••••••••••••••••

The “Erickson Photos” page has names of people in the photos.

1920s Family Photo


1930s Family Photo


1940s Family Photo


More Links ••••••••••••

German Immigration Ship Passenger Records


John’s WWI Draft Card


Raymond & Violet’s Marriage Record


1885 Iowa Census

For Emma’s Parents. William Andersen and Doris GREIS Anderson


1900 Census


1910 Census

LINK Page 1

LINK Page 2

1920 Census


1935 Census Card

For Emma Wehde



Here’s where Schleswig-Holstein is located.

Ray Wehde WWII ••••

Click Image for a larger view

Raymond WWII Newspaper

Mrs. Elmer Eggers Newspaper column on “Where The Boys Are” from WWII.  Pvt. Raymond J. Wehde is the 2nd person in this column.


1913 Map of Wehde Farm

John had two 160 acre plats. Southeast corner of section 3 and the northeast corner of section 10.


1929 Map of Wehde Farm

Click the image for a larger view.

He’s added more land in section 2.


1984 Map of Wehde Farm

Click the image for a larger view.

Now Harold and Alma (Wehde) Jurgensen’s.


Historic Mapworks •••••••••••

The maps above are part of an early  Farmers’ Directory. They have an enormous amount of information including: landowner, religion, workplace, names of children, how many years they have lived on the land, what organizations they belong to, the exact number of acres they own, address and phone number. 

Here’s a link to Historic Mapworks.



More photos can be found in  Erickson Photos  and  Assorted_Photos

Christian & Magdelina Wehde

Date unknown, but before 1918  • Click Image for a larger view

Christian was born 31 May 1845 in Schleswig-Holstein, Germany. He died 15 March 1918 in Holstein, Ida Co., Iowa. His wife Magdelena (Rohr) Whede was born 7 Mar 1841 in Schleswig-Holstein, Germany and died 1 Aug 1922 in Holstein, Ida Co., Iowa