Herbert & Anna’s Children ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
Archie Rufus Langdon (born 6 Apr 1891 - died 5 July 1976)
Belle Carrie Langdon (born 19 Apr 1893 - died 18 May 1989)
Myrtle Esther Langdon (born 30 Jan 1896 - died 20 Jun 1987)
Boy - Name Unknown (born 12 Jan 1898 - died 1898)
Mary Catherine Langdon (born 22 Dec 1899 - died 19 Mar 1923)
Blanche Susan Langdon (born 14 Apr 1901 - died 10 Apr 1987)
Kenneth Steven Langdon (born 30 Mar 1903 - died 22 Sept 1974)
Jenner C. "Jack" Langdon (born 23 May 1906 - died 25 May 1996)
Louis D. Langdon (born 23 Oct 1908 - died 28 Feb 1976)
Herbert A Langdon Jr. (born 18 Feb 1911 - died 18 Sept 1997)
Herbert & Anna Photo 1910-11 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
The photos above are obviously an altered version of the same photo with a few “artistic” adjustments to give the illusion of a separate portrait.
Click Image for a larger view
Herbert died about a year after this photo was taken from “Brights Disease”. His liver failed. He traveled to the “Clinic in Rochester” for two years. It’s also known as the Mayo Clinic. In his obit, the newspaper mentions that his treatment was chronicled in the paper for two years and that his death was expected, but still a shock to the community and family.
Here’s Herbert’s Clear Lake Obit
Here’s Herbert’s Watertown Obit. They get his name wrong. It’s Herbert Arthur, not Oscar.
16 March 1911 “Clear Lake Courier”
Herb Langdon is still at Rochester and the doctors seem to be puzzled regarding his case. They inform him however that he has not got Bright’s disease and as the treatment there is helping him he may ultimately be cured.
Herbert Arthur Langdon Death Certificate. They list “Bright’s Disease” as cause of death.
Herbert & Anna Newspaper Articles 1910-13 ••••••••••••••••••••••••
Adding several newspaper articles from the 1911 "Clear Lake Courier". When I was in Pierre at the South Dakota State Archives over the summer I went through hundreds of papers looking for different people. Out of all of them, this one was perfect. Very gossipy and a lot of articles about people I was looking for, but didn't have notes for. Every page seemed to have someone I knew. I ordered a copy of the microfilm that covers the years 1910-1913. Out of 2-1/2 hours of looking at it in my local library yesterday, I'm convinced it was the best 30 bucks I ever spent. Lot of new info on Herbert should be there. Can't wait to go back and look for more articles!
Lost Child Ends Up At The Langdons
15 June 1911 “Clear Lake Courier”
While visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Will White last Sunday the 3 year old boy of Mr. and Mrs. Gregory became separated from the other children at play in the grove and wandered away to the Sutton farm over a mile away. The people on the Sutton place picked up the lad, but as they are new comers here did not know to whom he belonged and took him over to Herb Langdon’s place where he was as much of a stranger as ever. By telephoning around the neighborhood the parents were finally found and the child taken home.
Belle Jaus Marriage
6 April 1911 “Clear Lake Courier”
In glancing over the records at the court house this week we are astonished to find that the Courier had omitted to publish the marriage of Miss Bell Langdon and Mr. Macklin Burbridge, which occurred on March 18th. How we overlooked the matter we are unable to tell, but if not too late we tender our heartfelt congratulations to the bride and groom.
Herb Langdon Jr. Birth
23 Feb 1911 “Clear Lake Courier”
Mr. and Mrs. Herb Langdon residing on the Sanborn farm north of town are the happy parents of a baby boy born to them last Saturday.
9 March 1911 “Clear Lake Courier”
Herb Langdon was taken to the hospital at Rochester last Monday. Mr. Langdon has been in poor health for years, but it is thought that he will find relief at the hospital.
16 March 1911 “Clear Lake Courier”
Herb Langdon is still at Rochester and the doctors seem to be puzzled regarding his case. They inform him however that he has not got Bright’s disease and as the treatment there is helping him he may ultimately be cured.
Same issue of the newspaper:
Little News Items From the School of Interest to Parents, Pupils, Teachers and the Public.
Myrtle Langdon is absent from the fifth grade because of sickness.
23 March 1911 “Clear Lake Courier”
Word was received from Rochester yesterday that Herb Langdon would undergo an operation at the Mayo hospital this week. It is understood that one of his kidneys will be removed.
30 March 1911 “Clear Lake Courier”
Herb Langdon came home from the hospital at Rochester last night. He has a bad cold and is also bothered with pleurisy and the doctors sent him home to get rid of these before they operate on him. He expects to return in about three weeks.
1 May 1911 “Clear Lake Courier”
Herb Langdon returned to Rochester yesterday and it is understood that he will undergo an operation for kidney trouble.
1 May 1911 “Clear Lake Courier”
Herb Langdon was operated on at Rochester last Friday and his right kidney removed. He is recovering nicely from the ordeal and expects to return home in a short time.
18 May 1911 “Clear Lake Courier”
Herb Langdon is recovering nicely from his operation at the hospital and is expected to return from Rochester tomorrow or Saturday. E.F. Kohnke passed a subscription paper last week and secured fifty dollars as a benefit to Mr. Langdon.
1 June 1911 “Clear Lake Courier”
Herb Langdon returned home last Tuesday from the hospital at Rochester where he underwent a severe surgical operation some weeks ago. We are pleased to state that the operation was a success and that Mr. Langdon is improved in health.
17 Aug 1911 “Clear Lake Courier”
H. E. Langdon returned to the hospital at Rochester last Tuesday to undergo an other operation. He recovered finely from the operation last spring, but other complications have arisen that leads him to believe that he will have to undergo another operation.
31 Aug 1911 “Clear Lake Courier”
Mrs. Herb Langdon received a card from her husband who is at the hospital at Rochester yesterday and he states that he is getting along nicely. He did not have to submit to a second operation but an abscess had formed in the old wound that gave him serious trouble until the pus was removed.
29 Feb 1912 “Clear Lake Courier”
Herbert Langdon went to the hospital at Rochester again last Monday. This is Mr. Langdon’s third trip there and it is to be hoped that this time he will find permanent relief from his ailments.

Left is Anna and Blanche; Right is Anna and Mary.
Click Image for a larger view
Herbert Langdon
abt. 1889
Guessing this photo was taken at the time of his marriage to Anna. They were married 20 May 1889.
Click Image for a larger view
Herbert and Anna family above
Back row: Anna, Archie, Herbert.
Front: (Carrie) Belle, baby Mary, Myrtle
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Herbert and Anna Marriage
Here’s Herbert and Anna. Date of photo unknown.
Thanks to Ray Reu for this!
SPECULATION: This seems to be from around the time of their wedding. Anna is very young. It looks like you can see grass popping up near the “baseboard” of the backdrop.
Click Image for a larger view
Here’s Herebert and Anna’s Marriage Certificate. Her place of residence is listed as Norden.
NOTE** •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
Below is info from the “Clear Lake” page. It is not in chronological order. New info is being added. It’s a real mess, but the raw info is there. If nothing else it shows the effort that’s been going on for many years to clear this up.
Anna Langdon’s parents - added Nov. 2014 •••••••••••••••••••••••
Bottolf and Kari Marriage Aug 15 1872
Bottom of page
The groom is Bottolf Olsen who lives on the farm "Njos Grinde" (A subfarm of the larger Grinde farm). He was born 4 Sept 1847. His father's name is Ole Bottolfsen Grinde.
The bride is Kari Olsdatter who lives on the farm "Huke" (A subfarm of the larger Grinde farm). She was born 24 Aug 1852. Her father's name is Ole Olsen Huke
Source Information: Sogn og Fjordane fylke, Leikanger, Ministerialbok nr. A 9 (1869-1888), Ekteviede 1872, side 153.
Permanent page link: http://www.arkivverket.no/URN:kb_read?idx_kildeid=6909&idx_id=6909&uid=ny&idx_side=-148
Permanent picture link: http://www.arkivverket.no/URN:NBN:no-a1450-kb20070115340097.jpg
Bottolf birth 4 Sept 1847
He is number 73
Source Information: Sogn og Fjordane fylke, Leikanger, Ministerialbok nr. A 7 (1838-1851), Fødte og døpte 1847, side 114.
Permanent page link: http://www.arkivverket.no/URN:kb_read?idx_kildeid=11570&idx_id=11570&uid=ny&idx_side=-124
Permanent picture link: http://www.arkivverket.no/URN:NBN:no-a1450-kb20070511640229.jpg
Kari birth 24 Aug 1852
She is number 53
Source Information: Sogn og Fjordane fylke, Leikanger, Ministerialbok nr. A 8 (1852-1868), Fødte og døpte 1852, side 6.
Permanent page link: http://www.arkivverket.no/URN:kb_read?idx_kildeid=1999&idx_id=1999&uid=ny&idx_side=-11
Permanent picture link: http://www.arkivverket.no/URN:NBN:no-a1450-kb20050817010395.jpg
Link to the Church books available for their area.
Anna (Olson) Langdon ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
Wife of Herbert Arthur Langdon. Here’s a few bits of assorted info that might help track her family down. She was born 10 Sep 1872 in Norway. 20 May 1889 she married Herbert Langdon. He passed away 3 May 1912. At age 45 in 1917 she married Peter J. Erickson. He passed away and she married Viron (Barnie) Marshall. He passed away 20 May 1958. Anna passed away 29 Nov 1964 and is buried in Lakeview Cemetery in Clear Lake. It looks like she is listed with both Herbert and Viron. Links below to findagrave.
Anna B Langdon LINK
Anna B Marshall LINK
From one of Sylvan’s daughters:
I remember there are a LOT of Anna Olson (Oleson)s out there at that time. She did have a sister Susan also. I don't know how many siblings, but I remember her sister Susan dying was why they came back from Oregon so that would have been around 1900. I kinda think Susan was married also.
Anna lived near Mower County. They came there from Norway when she was little. I don't know at what age she moved to Dakota. Both her parents died and she was raised by a Ole Grinde (who may have been her mother's brother?). She sometimes went by Anna Grinde.
My dad always said she was raised by "Old Man Grinde" who I think from other conversations was her mother's brother. They first came to Mower Co MN and then to Goodhue Co MN and then just over the state line to SD. Her mother died first, then her father and then her sister Susan. Don't know if there were siblings. He could be Grinde from Grinden NOR what with their naming patterns.
NEW JULY 2014 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
Anna’s sister was Susan "Susie" Grinde Olson. She married Stephan Smith Skinner.
Birth 26 Jun 1876 in Mower Co., Minnesota, United States
Death 27 Apr 1904 in Watertown, Codington, South Dakota, USA
Mount Hope Cemetery
Codington County, South Dakota.
Ole O. Grinde •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
Could this be the man who raised Anna? He lived in the township of Norden, just below ND Clark’s home.
Click Image for a larger view
Ole died in 1935 and is buried in Brandt, SD. Here he is in Find-A-Grave.
Here’s a photo of his headstone in “south dakota gravestones”.
Herbert and Anna’s Marriage Certificate lists her place of residence as Norden.
Ole’s naturalization papers. He was born in Norway and emmigrated to America via Quebec, Canada in May of 1885.
Did he come with Anna’s parents? Here’s the index to Naturalization papers for the same area. It shows the Olsens. Could one of these be her parents? The papers are online at Familysearch, but I haven’t been able to look through them.
Here’s Bottlof Oleson’s naturalization. A.B. Anderson was a witness for him. He is the man Anna lived with after he died. Link in FamilSearch:
Link to image on my site:
Here’s a link to the Norwegian Archives that shows a Bortel Olsen with his daughters Anna and Susan. They are living in Deuel County, Dakota Territory in the 1880 Census. Is this them? The age for Anna would be correct, and Susan was born in Minnesota, which would also fit what we know.
Interesting 1918 article about Ole.
Here’s Ole’s death notice. Not pretty. He had his leg ampuatated.
NEW OCT 2013 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
Well just who is Ole Grinde? The name comes up several times, but he is NOT the one who raised Anna. I’ll leave the info above, because it’s just too strange that the name “Grinde” kept coming up. They must have been good friends of the family. Thanks to Linda Stoops for clearing this whole mess up!
Clear Lake Centennial Book?
It was published in late 1980 or so. I’m guessing because other people on this page died in the late 1980s.
Below is a photo of the A. B. Anderson farm near Brandt where Anna went to live at 12 years old when her dad died.
NEW JULY 2014 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
Here’s Anna’s obit from the “Clear Lake Courier” on 10 Dec. 1964; pg. 1.
It names her sister. Mrs. Steven Skinner, who died in 1904 in Watertown, SD.
Here’s a photo of Anna’s home in Clear Lake from the 1950s. She lived in many places.
The house had been abandoned and no one was living in it at the time this photo was taken.
Donna Langdon Family Research ••••••••
Here’s an email about Archie and Hattie gathered from Donna’s research. I’d love to see the rest, but this is all I have:
Archie was born in Deuel County in the Clear Lake, South Dakota area. His parents were Anna and Herbert Langdon. When Archie was a baby, they moved to the Yoncalla, Oregon area and lived there until Archie was about 13 years of age. They then moved back to the Clear Lake area.
Hattie Wohler was born in Brandt, South Dakota. Her parents were Carrie and Lars Wohler. They farmed in the Brandt South Dakota area for several years. When Hattie and her sisters and brothers were young, her parents were divorced. Her father moved to Minneapolis, Minnesota where he operated a hotel. Her mother stayed on the farm with the children and continued to operate the farm with the help of her son Henry. In later years, after her father Lars became ill, he returned to the Brandt area where he died. Both Hattie’s parents are buried at the cemetery at Brandt, South Dakota.
Hattie and Archie were married in Brandt, South Dakota at the Highland Lutheran Church. They farmed a few years in the Brandt and Clear Lake area. They then moved to Watertown, South Dakota where Archie worked for the Minneapolis & St. Louis Railroad. He worked for the railroad until 1922 and lost his job because of the strike. He then worked at several other jobs until they moved to Sioux Falls, South Dakota in 1925 with their eight children and Archie started working at the John Morrell Packing Plant. He worked there until his retirement in 1926. Shortly after Hattie and Archie moved to Sioux Falls, their son Loren Herbert (Lorraine’s twin) died from spinal meningitis when he was approximately 9 months old. Hattie and Archie lived to celebrate their 62nd wedding anniversary. They both died in Sioux Falls and are buried at the Hills of Rest Cemetery in Sioux Falls.
Belle Carrie (Langdon) Jaus •••••••••••••••
One of Herbert and Anna Langdon’s children was Belle Carrie Langdon. She was born in April of 1893 in Oregon and passed away 18 May 1989 in Sioux Falls, South Dakota.
On 18 March 1910 at the age of 16 she married 18 year old William Macklin Burbridge in Deuel County, South Dakota.
Source: South Dakota Department of Health. South Dakota Marriage Index, 1905-1914 and South Dakota Marriage Certificates, 1905-1949. Pierre, SD, USA: South Dakota Department of Health.
They had five children.
James Macklin Burbridge Jr. (1911-1968)
Marjorie C Burbridge (1912-2000)
Jeanette Burbridge (1917-?)
June A Burbridge (1917-?)
Doris E Burbridge (1919-?)
William died at the age of 51 on 21 Mar 1943 in Deuel County, South Dakota. She then married Charles S Jaus.
Belle Carrie (Langdon) Jaus 1950s
Click Image for a larger view
Here’s a photo of her with her siblings in 1972. LR: Belle Jaus, Herb Langdon (Herbert Langdon Jr.), Lilly Clarksean, Blanche Doran, Archie Langdon, Myrtle Stoops.
Belle Jaus Descendants •••••••••••••••••••••
I have two things to add that should help.
First is an excerpt from an email:
Rufus and Catherine had a son named Herbert.
Herbert had a daughter named Belle (my maternal great grandmother),
Belle had a daughter named Marjorie Catherine (my maternal grandmother),
Marjorie Catherine had a daughter named Sharon (my mother)
..and I’ve left the name of the daughter out.
Second is a link to a post in Rootsweb:
Charles Jaus was married 4 times. His first wife, Hilda Manache, was the mother to Gordon and Forest. His 2nd wife was the chiroractor and her name was Eva Willy, and she had the adopted son named Rex. I remember seeing him when I was little. His 3rd wife was Jenny, she died, and then he married Belle, who I remember the most. I don't think Rex is the biological son of Charles Jaus, but I'll ask my sister, she remembers more of the history.
He had two other children, Everett & Marilyn who I think Belle is their mother. Born in 1946 and 1948.
My Mom just died last year at 91 yrs. old., but my Dad died in 1973. Grandpa and Belle Jaus were able to be at the funeral, but now have passed away.
Mary Catherine and Edwin Ivan Partridge ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
Mary Catherine (Langdon) and Edwin Ivan Partridge. Children are Oran and baby Lilly Ann. Mary passed away in 1923.
Thanks to Ray Reu for this!
Click Image for a larger view
Here’s a great shot of Mary on the right, Who is the woman on the left?
Thanks to Ray Reu for this!
Click Image for a larger view
Here’s Edward and Oran Partridge during WWII
Thanks to Ray Reu for this!
Click Image for a larger view
Here’s Oran Partridge and I think his wife Elaine during WWII
Thanks to Ray Reu for this!
Click Image for a larger view
Oran died 19 Mar 1953 while working at a Dam in Minnesota. I’m not sure which spelling is correct. I’ve seen it on several documents as “Orin”, “Oran” and “Oron”.
Click Image for a larger view
Here’s the Death Certificate.
Lily Clarksean •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
Herbert and Anna’s Children 1972
Not all of them, but here’s a nice photo. LR: Belle Jaus, Herb Langdon (Herbert Langdon Jr.), Lilly Clarksean, Blanche Doran, Archie Langdon, Myrtle Stoops.
Click Image for a larger view
Lily Clarksean was born Lily Ann Partridge. She was the daughter of Mary Catherine Langdon and Edward Ivan Partridge. Mary Catherine Langdon (born 22 Dec 1899 - died 19 Mar 1923) Mary was born while Anna and Herbert lived in Oregon.
Lily Ann was born 29 Sep 1921 in South Dakota. When she was two years old her mother Mary died. (1923) I don’t know the circumstances, but she did not stay with her father. She was raised by her grandmother Anna as a daughter and was treated as a sibling to her Aunts and Uncles.
Archie & Hattie •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
Thanks to Ray Reu for theses photos!
Click Images for a larger view
Archie & Hattie’s Children ••••••••••••
Sylvan Arthur Langdon (born 29 Aug 1912 - died 5 Oct 2005)
Cora Elizabeth Langdon (born 14 Jan 1915 - died 16 Oct 1994)
Lillian Trina Langdon (15 Jul 1917 - died ?)
Marion Langdon (born 1919 - living)
Alice Irene Langdon (born 21 Oct 1921 - died 31 Oct 2011)
NOTE: Loren and Vernon below were twin brothers
Loren H Langdon (born 15 Feb 1924 - died 9 Mar 1926)
Vernon Archie Langdon (born 15 Feb 1924 - died 9 Apr 1991)
Lorraine H Langdon (born 30 Apr 1925 - died 23 Jan 2013)
Donna Lou Langdon (born 27 Oct 1928 - 24 Feb 2009)
Archie & Helga (Hattie) Langdon Wedding 1912
They were married Feb 10, 1912 in Brandt, South Dakota.
From the 15 Feb, 1912 “Clear Lake Courier”:
“Archie R. Langdon and Hattie Wohler were married by Rev. Olsen at the Highland parsonage Saturday afternoon February 10th. Only a few relatives were present. The groom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Langdon living about 2 miles north of Clear Lake and the bride is a daughter of Mrs. Lars Wohler of Brandt township. After the cermony, they went to the bride’s home where a splendid supper was served to all. May the young couple live long and always be contented and happy.”
And a second article from the same edition:
“Archie Langdon son of Mr. and Mrs. Herb Langdon north of town and Miss Hattie Wohler of Brandt were married at the Highland church at Brandt Saturday February 10th Rev. Johan Olson officiating. The bride and groom are young people of exceptional merit and have a host of friends who will join the Courier in wishing them a long and happy life.