Erickson Farm abt 1903

Closeup of the family. From left to right would be Ole Marirus, Sivert, Karen (seated) John Albert, Gertrude and Ole Stenseng. Ole was John Albert’s first cousin.

(See below for more on Ole) He emigrated to America in 1903, lived in the Renner area and is buried in Berg Cemetery.

Erickson Farm MOVIE ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

I uploaded a short movie about this image to YouTube. Link below.


Here’s a shot of Karen at roughly the same time and almost the same profile. 3 of their 5 children were born at this time. John Clifford and Peter would come later.

Time frame is right for the kids.

Here’s the chimney in the photo. Weathervane to the right.

Looking roughly northwest.

Here’s the chimney in the photo of Jim Lofgren holding Gertie. Weathervane on the left. Looking roughly east. The chimney in the lower left wouldn’t have been visible in the 1903 photo.


Closeup of the lighning rod in the photo.

Looking roughly northwest.

Closeup of the lighning rod in the photo of Jim Lofgren holding Gertie. Looking roughly east.


Here’s the original photo. It was a 5x7 photo mounted on an 8x10 matte board. It must have been something they thought was special. You don’t go to the trouble and expense of mounting a photo like this on a whim.


Who is the man on the far right of the photo? •••••••••••••••••••••••••

I’m 99% sure this man is Ole Rafaelsen Stenseng.

Photo at left is from the late teens or early twenties. They are standing in the driveway of the farm. Note that the chimney, weathervane and lightning rods from the 1903 photo are visible on this one too.

Here’s a link to the entire photo.


Here’s a closeup of the guy sitting second from left.

Here’s a photo from Norway that names Ole Stenseng. He was the son of Erik Skei’s sister. (John Albert’s dad.) He also emigrated to America in 1903.

This is a closeup of the photo below.

This photo is from a 1925 visit to Norway. He wrote a letter to someone there in 1933 and it was featured in the 1998 Yearbook for Ogndal’s Historical Society.

Here’a a link to the letter.


He was John Albert’s first cousin. Here’s a screenshot of the family tree.

He lived in the Renner area and is also buried in Berg Cemetery.

He was also a pallbearer at Karen’s funeral in 1943.

Here’s Karen Erickson’s Obit.

May 1, 1943 Argus-Leader

Just for fun, here’s John Erickson’s Obit.

September 5, 1929 Argus-Leader Page 12


Erickson Farm about 1903 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

The hill in the background is where I-90 is now. Click the photo above for a larger view.